Difference Between a Cosmetologist and an Esthetician?

Many people interested in moving out into the beauty field get initially confused with the two titles, “esthetician’ and ‘cosmetologist.’ It happens if you see many people for different beauty treatments. You’ve had a few of them called an esthetician and a few known as the cosmetologist; you likely know the difference.

However, to better understand, below are a few points you must know about the two terms.

Difference between cosmetologist and esthetician

Esthetics and cosmetology schools in Irving, Tx, are distinctly different, with a bit of overlap between the two from time to time.


Esthetics focuses exclusively on skincare. It is typically considered to be a more specialized field. If you train solely for esthetics, you won’t be eligible to cut hair, perform pedicures, or apply chemical hair treatments to someone’s hair. However, a few of the services that you might end up specializing in include:

  • Massage and reflexology
  • Electrolysis
  • Permanent makeup
  • Microdermabrasion
  • Lash Extensions
  • Makeup application
  • Waxing

Few of these specializations may require additional training, while few of them may require you to learn as part of your esthetics training.


The term is generalized for fields of careers and study which focus on nails, skin, and hair. Cosmetologists may choose to provide general services in all three of these areas, or they may choose to only offer specialized services in one of these three.

A few of the cosmetologist services may include:

  • Salon management
  • Lash Extensions
  • Basic Waxing & Facials
  • Nail application
  • Hair texturing and relaxing
  • Haircutting and styling
  • Hair shampooing

Cosmetologists may also become estheticians after the initial training as long as they undergo additional education.

Find the right school in Texas

If you are thinking about going into either esthetics or cosmetology school in Fort Worth or Irving, there are many options for you to start.

You can find a course for cosmetology and esthetics, makeup artistry, nail technology, and hair design. If you find that the field of esthetics or cosmetology calls to you, schedule a college tour today in a beauty school in Bedford.

Published by Duvall School of Cosmetology

Can you imagine yourself training for a career where you can develop the professional and business skills needed to succeed while also pursuing your passion for beauty and creativity? DuVall’s School of Cosmetology provides students with a combination of classroom and hands-on training that fosters both of these goals.

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